Remember when we shared those journals back and forth in high school? That’s a dumb question. I know you remember when because we just talked about it a couple of weeks ago.

So I was thinking we could move up to the 21st century and share a blog back and forth with each other. Saves postage, hand cramps, and unwanted destruction due to fires or third-parties.

Do you want to give it a try?

If you do want to write to each other on a blog, we have a few options. We can keep it private between the two of us or we can keep it open for the whole entire world to see.

If we keep it open (which is my preference), then at least in my case, I’m going to change all the names of everyone I write about here. I’m going to use this space to be entirely honest with you, and I don’t want to feel like I have to hide things because of the internet. But I am going to go with a certain degree of anonymity. I’m okay with using my real first name, though.

So anyway, let me know what you think. I’ve been blogging for a while and I love it. I think you will, too. Look at how much you’re into facebook!
